MarriageThe solemn commitment of man and woman in marriage takes place in a church to ask God to bless and consecrate the couple in a permanent and faithful union of love. It becomes a sacrament of Christian love, a sign of the union of Christ and the Church.
The heart of the sacrament of marriage is the exchange of consent between husband and wife. The priest or deacon’s role is to witness this consent on behalf of the Church, to help the couple prepare for the marriage, and to celebrate the wedding liturgy with them. Parishioners who wish to celebrate their marriage in the church of Sts Peter and Paul should contact the parish office at least six months before the wedding. The church building may also be booked by couples who are not part of the parish, but it is the parish priest of the bride or groom or another priest or deacon who will need to take responsibility for preparing and celebrating the wedding. For further information, please contact the parish office. For background information, please click here to access the Archdiocese of Brisbane website |