Financial Support
The parish has many financial needs. Look around and estimate
YOUR HELP Your financial contribution to the parish planned giving program will ensure that the church of Sts Peter and Paul will be here for you week in and week out, offering pastoral care and spiritual inspiration for every moment in your life. To ensure a regular reliable income for the parish, we are asking you to make a pledge. How much can you contribute each week? Your spare change helps a bit but really does not make much difference. Your committed gift will make an enormous difference to the work the parish is able to do in our local area. Consider, for example, giving one hour’s salary each week. Some parishioners are doing this already. Will you join them? Your pledge will let the parish plan for the future. Click here to see a Planned Giving brochure. Should you have any enquiries please do not hesitate to contact the parish office. You might also be interested to remember the parish in your Will. Click here to download a brochure about making a bequest to the parish |